1. Title Page
The title page should include:
- The name(s) of the author(s)
- A concise and informative title
- The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
- The corresponding author and the e-mail address of the corresponding author
- The 16-digit ORCID of the author(s), at least ORCID of the corresponding author
- Acknowledgment
- Funding statement
- Please submit title page as a separate attachment
2. Abstract
Please provide an abstract maximum of 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Non-English words should be in italics.
3. Keywords
Maximum 6 keywords, italic in alphabetical order
4. Headings
Please use headings with no more than three levels.
Headings E.g.:
1. Introduction,
2. Materials and Methods or Methodology
3. Results and discussion
4. Conclusion/s
5. Acknowledgements,
(Conflict of interest)
6. References
5. Abbreviations
Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
6. Types of articles
Full Manuscripts:
These papers should not exceed 8000 words (text and references) or about 25 manuscript pages including figures and tables.
Short Communications:
They should not occupy more than 2,000 words or about 8 manuscript pages, including figures, tables and references.
They will be reviewed in the same way as research papers.
These papers should not exceed 10,000 words including figures, tables and references. The paper should be divided into main headings Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References.
7. Text Formatting
- Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Cambria) for text.
- 1.5 line spacing with justified alignment for the entire manuscript
- Use italics for non-English words
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages consecutively.
- The text of the manuscript shall be on clear white A4 size (210 x 297 mm) paper and the same grade and size of paper must be used throughout the manuscript. Margins Top and Bottom 1″, Left and Right 0.75″ , Orientation Portrait. However, paper types of different orientation and size may be used, where necessary, for illustrations and tables.
- Lines should be numbered consecutively. All line numbers should be provided on the left margin of the page, Please number all pages continuously and do not restart the line numbering on each page.
- Do not use field functions.
- Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
- Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
- Use the equation editor or Math Type for equations.
- Save your file in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or doc format (older Word versions).
8. Scientific Style
- Please always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units (SI units). e.g. ms-1, kgh-1
- Nomenclature: Insofar as possible, authors should use systematic names similar to those used by Chemical Abstract Service or IUPAC.
- Genus and species epithet should be in italics. In the first place of reference the author of the name should be given (E.g. Oryza sativa L.), which could be abbreviated in subsequent places (E.g. O. sativa).
- Generic names of drugs and pesticides are preferred; if trade names are used, the generic name should be given at first mention.
- Please use the standard mathematical notation for formulae, symbols, etc.:
- Use italic for single letters that denote mathematical constants, variables, and unknown quantities
- Use roman/upright for numerals, operators, and punctuation, and commonly defined functions or abbreviations, e.g., cos, det, e or exp, lim, log, max, min, sin, tan, d (for derivative)
- Bold for vectors, tensors, and matrices.
- Probability vales should be indicated as p<0.05 (Character ‘’p’’ only should be simple and italic).
- Referencing
This journal follows Harvard Referencing style
Use Harvard “author-date’ style of referencing. (see here the guid to Harvard style referencing published by the University of Sydney)
9.1 In-text referencing
Cite references in the text by name and year in parenthesis. Examples:
It seems to be logical to analyze hydro-climatic variables at a small scale (Rai 2010).
Abeysingha et al. (2015) reported a significant increasing trend in annual streamflow at an upstream gauging station.
The hybrid-delta method, on the other hand, considers inter-annual variability for each month (Hamlet et al. 2010; Islam et al. 2012; Tohver et al. 2014).
9.2. Reference list
The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Unless suitable published literature are not available, personal communications and unpublished works could be mentioned in the text.
“Newspaper articles are not considered as a valid reference”
Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.
Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work.
for Journal article (printed version):
Panda, D K, Kumar, A, Ghosh, S, Mohanty, R K 2013, ‘Streamflow trends in the Mahanadi River basin (India): linkages to tropical climate variability’, J Hydrol 495, pp. 135-149
For Journal article (online)
Noor, A 2008, ‘Ethics, religion and good governance’, JOAAG: Journal of Administration & Governance, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 62-77, viewed 17 November 2009, http://www.joaag.com/Home_Page.php
for Journal article (retrieved from a data bases):
Jackson, D, Firtko, A & Edenborough, M 2007, ‘Personal resilience as a strategy for surviving and thriving in the face of workplace adversity: a literature review’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1-9, viewed 2 April 2009, Academic Search Complete database, EBSCOHost, DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04412.x.
Conference, Symposium or Seminar Papers in published proceedings (Printed)
Edge, M 1996, ‘Lifetime prediction: fact or fancy?’, in MS Koch, T Padfield, JS Johnsen & UB Kejser (eds), Proceedings of the Research techniques in photographic conservation conference, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, pp. 97-100.
Conference, Symposium or Seminar Papers in published proceedings (Online)
Tester, JW 2008, ‘The future of geothermal energy as a major global energy supplier’, in H Gurgenci & AR Budd (eds), Proceedings of the Sir Mark Oliphant International frontiers of science and technology Australian geothermal energy conference, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, viewed 5 January 2010, http://www.ga.gov.au/image_cache/GA11825.pdf.
for a book (single author)
Andreasen, NC 2001, Brave new brain: conquering mental illness in the era of the genome, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
for a book (Two or three authors)
Schneider, Z, Whitehead, D & Elliott, D 2007, Nursing and midwifery research: methods and appraisal for evidence-based practice, 3rd edn, Elsevier Australia, Marrickville, NSW.
for a book (Seven or more authors)
Davis, M, Charles, L, Curry, MJ, Shanti, P, Prasad, S, Hewings, A et al. 2003, Challenging spatial norms, Routledge, London.
for an edited book (one authors)
Craven, I (ed.) 2001, Australian cinema in the 1990s, Frank Cass, London
for a book chapter
Knowles, MS 1986, ‘Independent study’, in Using learning contracts, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, pp. 89-96.
for a book chapter of an edited book
Ferres, K 2001, ‘Idiot box: television, urban myths and ethical scenarios’, in I Craven (ed.), Australian cinema in the 1990s, Frank Cass, London, pp. 175-88.
This journal follows Harvard Referencing style
10. Tables
- All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. e.g. Table 1: ….., Table 2: …
- In text refer the table as (Table .1 etc.)
- Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
- For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table.
- Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption.
- Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
- Embedded the table in an editable form at the required place of the manuscript
11. Illustrations (Figures)
- In text refer the figures as (Fig.1:…., Fig.2:……… etc.)
- Position the figure in the text in an editable form as required in sufficient size and resolution of about 300 dpi.
- If there are several related illustrations / figures or drawings, assemble them into a composite Figure, and label each panel as a, b, c, etc.
- All the photographs should be name as Plate Plate 1: …., Plate 2: ….
- Micrographs and photographs should include clear scale bars. The scale should be defined legibly in legend or figure heading.
- Captions of figures and plates should be placed just below the corresponding figures / plates
- Labeling to describe the units on each axis should be large, parallel to each axis, even-sized, and clear • Use upper- and lower-case lettering, not all capitals, not bold.
- Lines of figures should be thick enough to clear visible at printing.
12. General:
Provide a cover letter indicating at least three potential reviewers who are experts in the field and provide reviewers’ full name and current functioning email addresses for each and also cover letter should include each author’s contribution.
Check the following before submission the manuscript to SLJAE:
- The arrangement of the title page separately
- conflict of interest statement
- Authors agreement form
- Cover letter
Plagiarism Policy
SLJAE does not allow any kind of plagiarism, manipulation of data or figure, provide incorrect information consciously and any kind of copyright breach. All the manuscripts will undergo complete plagiarism check before sending for peer reviewing.